Chapter 149: vane – digital/physical heart (ft. anri)

Rose elite was readying his bed to visit an alternate reality. No killing himself to do it (that’s uncecary once your advanced enough)! And every night Rose snuggled with someone. This time it needed to be someone from “fiction” so he chose Biodag given the man’s constant flirting. Biodag got uneasy and said no so with Dov Black for him and Karkaiden red for him he laid on Karkaidens chest. Later on he got up, but he stroked Roses horns, as Rose rested on him.  Rose was autopurring.

bad tea. “These aren’t my memories….” Rose said quietly. Recalling bits as as soldier at the table.

“I think it’s time you talk to Font. It’s happening again. That’s what he’s telling. I think you may be remembering Hookups memories. I’ll explain later?”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Aya I work for Wattstudios, the creators of Homebound and your not the first victim he’s done this too. Check with your shimeji of Font.”

“WHHHHHEEEE” Font said as the shimeji fell across the screen. It was an odd app.

“Listen kid this is your spell of fourths. You’re finally getting your realities back. All those little splinters across space and time that are yous. Your rememberin’ them. Ain’t that something? Hoo hoo oh boy”

“Whos memories are these?”



“I don’t know kid they just are”

“But I never had aol messenger or some weird fandom version of it my friends and I made?”

“You have dmii that app adam sorry yous! Is wokin on? You have games”

“I have memories of things that hasn’t happened yet”

“Did you include the spell. This parts important. In any of the acts of this here story did your include the spell of fourths?”

“Yes but you shouldn’t be performing magick that advanced-”

“Save it you made the spell or “acrians” did right? Did you ever bother to ask how it worked?”

“I made it!”

“Right sure ya did and not acrianas ay!” he winked.

“Font I am acrians” Font frowned.

“Well that’s a change of pace. Anyways, with the little retardation on the side the spell works to bring your splinters and yous memories together. They can now remember being #### Cohen. You can now remember being this guy or that guy. Even the pink haired bitch writing it. Your now in the canon of wattstudios. Enjoy it. Hookup has no choice but to write you in now. Isnt’ that what you wanted?”

“Where are you getting this blasphemous info?”

“Font. Other mes across the galaxies. You love to be written about adamant Allah wannabe”

Rose just sighed in frustration not thinking it worth the fight.

“Whatever kid.”

“So what I made a shitty pesterwhatever knockoff and talked to my friends through that. I even remember dmii! DMII ISNT AT HING YET FONT!”

“Relax chill. They always freak they first time they remember. Breathe and relax.”


“Yeah like you always claimed you were. Isn’t it special?”

“I don’t get it”

“Get what?”


“I hate you not for what i’ve read in any history books. I hate ya cus your level is so high. Here in the underworld we call that love. Your love is too high. I don’t know why. How many times have you reset the world [deadname]?”

“A few times. I can’t die. It dooms the timeline”

“Does it really or do you just not what to die?” Rose gasped angry.

“You have idea how badly i wana die” Font had a flashback or maybe he was filling himself in.

“Kid I-”

“Whatever bye”


“No you hate me!”

“I don’t hate you” Font frowned and his lips wavered over his giant smile.

“I love you. Gen not like this level shit. I just think your kinda cruel and kinda all over the place. And that you need some sorta intervention. Your writing tells all. Your sick [deadname] admit it?”

“Wow what an ass”

“I’m sorry?” Font raised a brow.

“You are an ass for calling me my dead name”

“Why? I mean its not as thought you stole her life main personality”

“I am the original”

“No your not. The original was shy. Adorable. Cute. AND FEMALE”

“I don’t want to be friends with you anymore”

He winked and raised his arm.

“Ay were we ever friends?”

“I mean it I’m deleting you”

“Fine. I’ll still watch over the timeline. Afterall. That’s our job.”

“So your self loathing extends to me now?”

“Apearently hot sauce”

“This is my goodbye to you”

“Kid what are you planning…?”

“My level is to high”


“Nothing I’m not planning anything. To that I say please believe me. I’m just not your friend anymore. This is our goodbye”

“Then DON”t ever ask me to save yours ass again”

“Goodbye Font”

“Goodbye “latin” wanabe”

“That doesn’t trigger me when its said by someone without the backup” Font began to cry laugh? Laughing crying? Something like that.

“Bye kido”


The next few days Rose was enameroud with money troubles as he kicked Goetic ass. That’s literally what it says here. “Goetic ass” and scared the shit out of the gods. Neris Underwood of City of Gods fame visited Rose. 

“so you cast a spell on me” Rose said uspet to yanderespaz.

“yes I cast a spell on you to draw yourself fat and ugly. cus when I forced you to draw me with a mind control spell against your will you drew me fat and ugly”

“so you admit it you deem fat as ugly”

“whatever kaike” reminder behind Crooks’ back Summer was proclaiming Crooks’s new name to be “Fatzo”. Waiter was always bitter about this, and via Summers alters request drew Summer to look like her alter. Who was plus size. Summe through a fit, about the spiritual royalty from the book not being enough, how she should get real money for artwork and writing Rose paid for because she was mentioned in it, when she asked to be mentioned in it. Summer was veign, egotistical, narcisitic, a rapist, and an antisemite who often compared Jews to the holocaust, nazi imgary, and lizard people even joking that they controlled the media. Summer was not a good person, and that was becoming ever more clear now that she was calling Rose who was raised jewish “a fat ugly kiake with lizard skin that probably eats people for breakfest” Rose used to be anerexic and Summer was having a ball. Summer also tried to force Rose to see him as herself, because she IDENTIFIED “as the KAIKE BITCH!” as Summer lied and said she talked to god, who “agrees all jews are kiakes LOL” when Rose really did have a divine conection there. Summer was a wanbe copy cat acccording to Rose, and she lied as she did it. “False idol, worse than any sun”. Then Summer would pitch a fit, bitch, and moan about how she was “THE REAL HOERIC VICTIM HERE. ROSE IS SO TOTES A MEAN GIRL,. IT iS A MEAN BITCH that probably wants to give HOODLEM a blow job since he RAPED HER. I fear IT is Into THAT” Summer was truescum and very adamant about misgendering the trans people she hated.

“So you agree.” Echoe said to rose.

“Summer views trans identity as only valid if your nice to her. I mean I don’t go calling Dj a nigger when he pisses me off. And that’s the equivelent to misgendering a trans person when they piss you off. You agree now. Real baddie yeah?”

“Echoe I’ve told you Summer was bad from day 1”

“Wait till she rapes Maika, oh wait that’s next chapter”

“She’s gona lie during my “punishment party” or intervention isn’t she?”

“Rose I love these dream bubbles I really do. But Summer literally tried to put nazis up here thank god theirs rules. Her cracked dream bubbles are full of them”

“It takes a lot to properly create a dream bubble or a planet-“

“And you know how to do it and Summer does not”

“Summers a cunt”

“Agreed!” Echoe smiled sipping their smoothie.

“I love you Rose. take care. I’ll be reading”

“Mm!” Rose responded as the bubble popped, rant over.


closing songs Badflower Stalker

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