Visit this chapter, for an easy guide to digitally read Manga legally!

go to this chapter for a step by step guide to recording an UTAUloid

-official AUS can be found here!

-lastly S and p: means streaming or purchase! We do things legally here! Yes we do yes we do! :)-

-While the stories/manga/anime wont be available at said links forever it can be still used as a sort of internet archive as to find current copies! and you truly are invested in the world I have created tracking down my INSPO really tend to help!-

-lastly most if not all of this is NOT AFFILIATED and certainly was not when listed. This is influences for session grim in general!-

In alphebetical order

American girl dolls, film, toys, hopefully future games, and media such as books based on historical figures! [american girl dolls site] -p

Bungou Stray Dogs! (Literary Stray Dogs) (Anime/Manga) -S: Crunchyroll

The Dreamers Series (Might be an old link!) *Books* -Free Public Domain-

Daughter of Venice (Donna Jo Napoli)

Hi I’m a Witch and My Crush Wants Me to Make Him a Love Potion (Manga) -S Amazon, Cosmixology

Locke and Key -GxG Saphic Dating Sim/visual novel- (

My Immortal the webseries -free- (harry potter fanfic fix it fic)

Madoka Magicka (anime) -S Crunchyroll or amazon

Minute Men (Live Action Movie) -S: Youtube or Diseny+

Worlds End Club! *Game* (Console or Steam)

Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins [Jewish Religion and Folklore]

Mr.Hops playhouse (video game)

The hardy boys (books) and Nancy Drew (novels) [both work great as standalones] (might be an old link it just takes you to the crossover show from the The Hardy Boys Nancy Drew Mysteries warner bros segements)

Homestuck and Paradox Space (comics)

Dangan Ronpa (game)

Sherlock holmes…well anything really but my favoiret is bbc sherlokcs [free movie here] -you can look up free film, after sherlock holmes and get alot of old great free media-

A whole lot to love visual novel

Roses of love visual novel

Sailor Moon Movies and abriged! {Free both parties on youtube under a lettering system]

Parnatural Blogspot books (yeah you know supernatural? Its based on this)

Yugioh and Yugioh the abridged Series -free-

Zone Captor (The Adventure and Trials) (Book) -Free Public Domain-

(this youtube playlist by diongoespew please save it some other way just in case, or check youtube archives, that is titled Free Films)

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