Chapter 2037: Cannibal [Kesha] Nightcore Version

Rose made a new team in the game called “Paint” code for team understanding and redemption arc, their goal was his punishment the suphero Red cowl gave him “to make bad things good and good things bad” to provide understanding and friendship and heal those with problems ills and bigotry, no reward for that team, their superpowers would be based on each other, and no one from team heatwave would be allowed on their team and you’d have to be tested with extreme pain to be on the team, and they’d vote on everything as a team the second you go rogue or do something without consulting the leader Rose, you lost the game, in your world, whatever that meant to you and your other teams, and you’d have to go through the dream realm and rose to join or your session was autodoomed.

Rose then did a symbolic wrist and chord cutting cutting off lOki and their marriage. “I can never come back” she creid. “Why I loved you so hard whyd you divorce me where not even blood brothers anymore!”

“Because of maikas itnroejt” Rose said nonpulsed.

“Thats not even real!”

“Its real to me, after all im a fenrir wannabe. Dont’ kiss me our blood is through your now my enemy till you put miaka through hells wrath and screw him over the way you did i, or!” rose handed him a rose.

‘You can kill me again”

She kissed him.

“Goodbye my lover I’ve always hated ragnorck rising”

“That rose belongs to odin”

“Im keeping it tough shit. I will punish and scrwe him over though, we’ll start wth your rape”

“Then im abroting hell-” Rose said angry.

“Wait, I….i’ll control the intojrect ill force it to obey in exchange you control balder-”

“Go to hell no you dont get demands were divorced and im offing myself tonight should i survive, you are out of maikaas canon and head deal?”

“You survive ill leave maika sure, but taht also gives me permission to save your life”

“I will never love you” Rose said angry.

“Shhh I know” she kissed him.

“Oh and if you could punish summer with an eating dissorder and transphbia i wound mind” loki kneeled.

“Anything for you my king!” she kissed his hand and he reocoiled, “were through” he said dark and ended their relationship tehre, Odin tried to talk sense into him to which rose bitter said

“When they pay me back for all they’ve stolen and leave me alone astrally then I’ll rejoin your family”

“Goodbye balder”

“Screw you and your shitty play. It’s all Maikas fault so go give him thanks, I’m continuing my porno”

“Goodbye slugger” Freya said sad. “Thankyou for everything, this maika is out of the family for further notice we’re going to teah him a lesson in greed.”

“No wonder hes a jew” loki mused.

“That is their peolpes sin”

“I smell an alt right party!” Odin cheered.

“I know the best nazi to send”

“To summer!” Odin cheered.

“To the alt right” Thor mused, this is just how they are, and they knew what mattered to Maika, who we’ll now call marty, he don’t deserve that family name, it was what rose gave to him.

[Trading Card of the day: Vaklerie of the norse yugioh]

Related video: What is Letterboxing? [CC] by youtuber thehodesshow and HUman Sacrifice in Greek Mythology by Aliakai, the Vampires Diaries Videp [CC] Video essay by Jenny Nicholson

Closing Song: Unravel Nathan young English Cover (originally in japanese)

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