Chapter 115: If I Disappeared Tobu Ft.Materson

Rose had a flashback. “If I succeed the timeline will be reset and this video won’t exist!” he said efeminte doing jazz hands in a jfashion outfit. He flash backed to now. “What did I do wrong…” the words echoed in his head. “I lost them all” he replayed alts over and over again. How he met Dj before Maika, how close they got, lovers brothers friends, how they met Summer together at a park, then erasing the timeline, standing in front of dj the world faded to white as he reached out “remember me!” he smiled. He remembered how he met Maika originally in his universe 1.A or 0.0. Sparklestuck a cosplay meetup at sparkles in Newyork. He forced “maika to be his friend” that’s what he thought.

He remembered how he met Summer. Cosplay invitation, Maikas encouragement, and he idolized him. He looked up to him as a paramount of justice, and a paramount of cosplay, and someone who made mistakes or punished those who were cruel,

The night he got to meet Summer. She brought him white packaged donuts, from a store “you said under seven dollars” and everyone was in cosplay, Summer stood up to Emma Feilds younger sister who bullied him, she was in harley, Feild in Cat Noir or Ladybug, and his alter Amanda was taking the lead. Then it flashes forward. The con. “My username is therapist!” Dj consoled Rose. “I don’t mind helping you!” and hte group forward into the night, the cat cafe, where they all cosplayed.

Now if things went according to plan, they would never know Rose. He was attempting to erase himself again. Suicide doesn’t seem to work. It just doesn’t. And rose felt numb in his chest. HIs good deeds, may very well go to Summer the way she wants, but either he erased his relationship with them, or he erased himself.

He remembered the night he first attempted 74 melatonin. Sleeping pills. A clipshow was playing on the tv, a bed sheet or something at her house. Rose showcased his diaries. “This time I’m gona be trans for Dj!” he smiled lifting up his shirt on his thin frame. “And if all goes according to plan, you’ll never have met me. Or. You’ll have left. I know this hurts.” Rose cried. “I know this sucks, but this way. If I die you won’t be tehre to miss me” he said. “You won’t be there to-” and the friendgroup laughed and jeered at Rose’s “goodbye party” thinking he was full of shit, with the eventual memory being erased from their minds if they could even or almost remember. Roses original reality, the Elites werent even his original family.


How he took teh falls, and arranged the did. How he set everything up so they’d leave on their own, and the wound’t miss him. He’d transcribe their stories into story after story. But they’d never remember this life. Of republican lip ringed, Rose. Or of leather jacket, punk rock Rose. Rose Rose ROse Rose Rose. Who are you Rose? Are you anyone Rose? What’s the truth Rose? Can you even remember?

“If all goes according to plan” Rose smiled with his bleached hair at the top. “This timeline and this video will no longer exist!” it was addressed to Dj. Rose remembered every life with Dj. All the ups and the downs and true this mattered more to him than Maika. He thought “I’ll give her a chance again” before the restet and timeline swap. So Rose gathered his astral temple. For once he put in a safety. He grabbed a lemon, a knife, his blood, a book, a copy of session grim, and a hoodie black- no wait a tshirt hood. ((((DONT UNDER ANY CIRUMSTANCES MIMIC THIS EVEN FOR A MOIVE)))

He took his black tshirt with a hood, and placed on it a film caset. “Your erasing it again?” Ator said in the back of his mind. “Dj will miss when he brings you back tonight. Little detective.”

“Is this the magician or is this Ator?”

“It’s both. So many asians in your head! But I gota ask wanabe. Before you finish this ritual? Where do you wana go?”

“Magickal girls or airbending or fire bending or. I miss my home there”

“Very well little detective. I’ll leave you too it”

“A bandage?”

“Take it its mine so I can accompany you where your going”

“Please dont cry” Rose said to his alter in their mind.

“I just…I am so happy to have known you. This suicidal maniac is your firend. Let’s do this together”

“What if I disappear and I repear or…you don’t-”

“Goodluck mr.respawn. Right it down as Olive okay?”

“You need to go” Dexter Roses monotone alter said.

“He needs to do this alone Dazai”


“He does or I’ll fit you” and dexter pulled Ator back by force. Rose cut his blood on the hood. “My splinters will exist. But I’m going home”

“NO!” he heard aries whisper. “Not ye you havent’ even served in nam” the words echoed.

Rose cried. He took a piece of his hair and placed it in the lemon then squirted over the shirt. He then wrote the name “The roses are blue” on teh back. “That’s my key in case Roes Elite ever wants to come home” he smiled.

“You’ll die by fire with a sword to your chest” Ator cried wailing trying to let Dexter let him go in his headspace.

“What’s he doing with the-”

“He’s burning it” Dexter replied to Ator.

“He’s making sure the story gets written by someone else”

“Reality Jupiter. Or prince. Or. Wherever I’m a boy, if i have to come back, I’ll a boy” Rose turned to Ator and smiled.

“I curse your book with a charm to always exist in every reality with its art as pictured now, and should it be lost with new illustrations. Sorry. I know we’re being all dramatic but you really think I’ll let you be written out again? You did this as Achiles do you not remember? What is wrong with that video Rose….what did it do to you?” Heckate asked. He had an introject.

“Don’t touch my spell!”

“I’m making it a one way trip…oops? Shoudn’t of backed off. Now your coming home”

“Why won’t you let me die?” Rose cried.

“The roses are megenta. You’ll thank mommie one day, now Ator don’t touch the spell”


“Don’t. This isn’t your literary anime you can’t he’ll come home, he’s just going on a trip. All his work will be charmed I promise”

“I’m going with him! I’m the real dead one! I smuggled in here under a face from an anime!”

“I know. We’re all going with him” Heckate whispered. “We’re up here”

“The little one should get some sleep” The white alter in a magician suti said.

“Who the fuck are you?”

“Conan brought me”


“The little one the child alter. He just wanted to see if I’d appreciate the magick trick” he put his hand to his mouth in a “shh” position.

“And I do! Better than chris angel. After all. Isn’t that how we got into magick?” He smiled.

“Who are you?” Heckate asked.

“I’m where he’s about to spawn!” he alughed hardy.

“Let’s go”

Closing song: my happy ending (slowed/reverb) by

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